Home » CTDOT’s final versions of the Public Transit Asset Management Plans for 2022-2025 are now available

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CTDOT’s final versions of the Public Transit Asset Management Plans for 2022-2025 are now available

Jan 4, 2023

The Connecticut Department of Transportation has completed the update of Connecticut’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plans in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA’s) Transit Asset Management Rule 49 CFR 625. (Section 625.29).

Annual performance targets for TAMP’s capital assets are reported to FTA’s National Transit Database. Annual performance targets are available in transit agency profiles at following link: NTD Transit Agency Profiles | FTA (dot.gov). Should you have any questions, please contact Sharon Okoye, Public Transportation Asset Management Lead, at sharon.okoye@ct.gov

Tier 1 Plan

Tier 2 Plan