Home » Apply to CTDOT’s Active Transportation Microgrant Program through the Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments

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Apply to CTDOT’s Active Transportation Microgrant Program through the Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments

Aug 15, 2024

Up to $5,000 per applicant is available to municipalities, school districts and 501(c)(3) nonprofits for small, non-infrastructure active transportation materials and programming, including:
• Bicycles, including adaptive bicycles
• Bicycle helmets
• Bicycle locks
• Bicycle maintenance training & materials
• League Cycling Instructor training
• Programs, events & materials for pedestrian & bicycle safety education
• Safety vests for pedestrians

For 3rd quarter funding, applications and supporting material must be submitted to Nicolas Dostal, Regional Planner (ndostal@ctmetro.org) by 5 pm, Friday, September 13th, 2024.
• Please read the program guidelines.
• Each entity is eligible to submit 2 applications per calendar year. Recipients must first expend funds from the initial grant and provide receipts before they can apply again. Recipients must purchase and install all items within one calendar year of receipt of funds and provide all required documentation (including invoices) to the COG.
• Projects are selected based on application completeness and the order in which they were submitted (to the COG) until the available funds for the current year have been committed. MetroCOG will submit a list of applications to CTDOT on a quarterly basis.
• The program works in conjunction with Connecticut’s Safe Routes to School Program. In addition to providing an application to MetroCOG, all applicants must register with the CT SRTS program.
• If you have questions about the program, please contact Nicolas Dostal (ndostal@ctmetro.org) at MetroCOG.