NOTICE is hereby given that the Greater Bridgeport and Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (GBVMPO) has updated their Title VI Program, Limited English Proficiency Plan and Public Participation Plan for the Greater Bridgeport and Valley planning regions. The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (”MetroCOG”) serves as the host agency of the GBVMPO.
The Title VI Program and Limited English Proficiency Plan have been prepared in accordance with Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 so as to ensure that the level and quality of MetroCOG’s and the GBVMPO’s planning services are provided in a nondiscriminatory manner and that the opportunity for full and fair participation is offered to the community. Through this program, MetroCOG has also examined the need for services and materials for persons for whom English is not their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English.
The purpose of the Public Participation Plan is to actively involve all affected parties in an open, cooperative, and collaborative process that provides meaningful opportunities to influence transportation decisions and is consistent with 23 CFR § 450.316.
A forty-five (45) day review and comment period has been established, beginning on January 13, 2023 and ending on February 27, 2023. The public is welcomed and encouraged to review and comment on the drafts of the Title VI Program, Limited English Proficiency and Public Participation Plans. Copies of both documents are available for review at the offices of Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments, 1000 Lafayette Boulevard, Suite 925 (Ninth Floor), Bridgeport, CT 06604 and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd Floor, Waterbury, Connecticut 06702. Drafts can also be viewed on-line at and
NOTICE is also given that MetroCOG will hold a public information meeting concerning the draft documents on February 8, 2023 at 5:00 PM in the conference room of the Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments, 1000 Lafayette Boulevard, Suite 925, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Agency staff will be available at 4:30 PM to informally discuss any aspects relating to the drafts and any other transportation issues and concerns.
The public is encouraged to attend this meeting to learn more about the Title VI Program and the Limited English Proficiency and Public Participation Plans and to express their support or concerns regarding these documents. Comments may be made orally at the information meeting, via e-mail or in writing. Written comments must be clearly legible, submitted on 8½” by 11″ paper and include the person’s name and address. Any person wishing to comment may submit their comments in writing to Matt Fulda, Executive Director, MetroCOG, or Rick Dunne, Executive Director, NVCOG, Written comments must be received before 10 AM on February 27, 2023. The MPO will consider endorsement of the draft Public Participation Plan and the Title VI Program and Limited English Proficiency Plan at its regular meeting to be held on Thursday, March 30, 2023. The public is invited to attend this MPO meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to comment before the plans and programs are considered by the MPO.
For more information, please call MetroCOG at (203) 366-5405 or NVCOG at (203) 735-8688. Language assistance may be requested within a reasonable timeframe and is provided at no cost to the public.
2022 Title VI LEP and PPP Plans – Legal_Notice Espanol
GBVMPO Draft Title VI + LEP 2023 Update
GBVMPO Draft Public Involvement 2023
Plan de Participación Pública 2023
Programa de Título VI y Plan de Dominio Limitado del Inglés 2023
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