Home » Meetings » Post Road Circle Study: Public Meeting

Meetings & Agendas

12/15/2021 6:30 pm

Post Road Circle Study: Public Meeting

The 3rd and final public workshop for the Post Road Circle Study will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 15th at 6:30 pm. As a member of the Community Advisory Committee, please invite any neighbors, friends or other local stakeholders who may be interested in the study.

The workshop will include a brief summary of the project, community priorities and progress to date. Visualizations and simulations of the locally preferred concepts will be presented. The presentation will be followed by a discussion of the community’s thoughts on the concepts. The project website, http://bit.ly/post-road-circle has additional information, including the Existing & Future Conditions Technical Memorandum and the Transportation Improvement Alternatives Memorandum

Details on attending the Microsoft Teams meeting:
• To join via computer (preferred), use the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGU4NDk5ZGQtZjJkMy00YmJhLWJmNTQtOWM3OGNmMGYwZjgw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226cba27bb-141c-42b2-8e72-22f72e3b5e95%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ae5d1e42-8e96-41c7-8767-a761a2993e6b%22%7d or use https://bit.ly/post-road-meeting
• To join via phone (not preferred), use the following information: 860-838-4504 and enter Conference ID 706 845 000#
o Press *6 to mute / unmute yourself to make yourself audible to meeting participants
• Meeting lobby will be available starting at 6:15.
• During the meeting, please remain muted. Comments and questions can be entered in the Chat Pane for discussion following the presentation. Presenters will first address written comments followed with discussion. If you like to make a verbal comment, please use the Raise Hand feature and wait to be called.

Find out more about the project at https://ctmetro.org/transportation/transportation-projects/



