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AVISO la Organización de Planificación Metropolitana (MPO) de Greater Bridgeport y Valley ha desarrollado el borrador del Programa de Mejoras del Transporte (TIP) para las regiones de planificación del Greater Bridgeport and Valley. El TIP enlista todas las propuestas...
FFY 2025 - 2028 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NOTICE is hereby given that the Greater Bridgeport and Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization has developed the draft Transportation Improvement Program for the Greater Bridgeport and Valley planning regions. The...
CTDOT Launches New Active Transportation Microgrant Program
The Active Transportation Microgrant Program is a non-infrastructure initiative to provide eligible organizations with up to $5,000 in funding for resources that advance safe, accessible, sustainable, and equitable walking, biking and rolling in Connecticut, including...
Southwest Connecticut’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program: Priority Climate Action Plan Survey and Request for Public Comment
MetroCOG and WestCOG are developing a Priority Climate Action Plan through the US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program. The Plan includes 16 proposed actions Southwest Connecticut can implement to: reduce air pollution that is warming our planet; clean up...
Connecticut’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program: Priority Climate Action Plan Survey and Request for Public Comment
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) is leading the development of the state’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Priority Climate Action Plan with 14 proposed actions the state may implement to: reduce air pollution that is...
Title 23 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part § 450.334 requires that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) publish, or otherwise make available for public review, an annual listing of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year....
PUBLIC NOTICE Regional Waste Movement Study Virtual Public Meeting
PUBLIC NOTICE Regional Waste Movement Study Virtual Public Meeting Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) announces a public meeting to launch the Regional Waste Movement Study. This virtual meeting will be...
Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments: Multijurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG) is pleased to announce the 2024 update to the Region’s Multijurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP), beginning on August 1st of 2023. An up to date NHMP is a requirement of the Federal...
Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments: Actualización del Plan de mitigación de riesgo natural multi-jurisdiccional
El Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG) se complace en anunciar la actualización del Plan de mitigación de riesgo natural multi-jurisdiccional (NHMP) para el 2024. comenzando el 1 de agosto de 2023. La Agencia federal para el manejo de...
Connecticut Walkability/Bikeability Survey
Do you walk and/or bicycle to get to places where you need or want to go? Do you wish that transportation that doesn't involve a vehicle were easier and safer in your community? Bike Walk Connecticut and the Capital Region Council of Governments want to hear about...